Why we do what we do: the “feeling”
On 21/10/2010
You can blame it on the bronchitis, but today I feel like getting all mushy and talk about “the feeling”. It’s been a while since the feeling first hit me, but it happened a couple of months ago, sitting at home thinking about my job. It was one of those weird gushy feelings that you get when you have a real, positive emotional attachment to something, like puppies or your mother (most of the time). At the time, it struck me as odd to have that feeling, given I was thinking about a job that didn’t entail saving forests or wildlife, curing illnesses or feeding the starving masses. And the more I thought about it, the stranger it seemed to feel such a strong, emotional attachment to working for a company whose business is providing others with the tools to make a website.
Since that day, I’ve thought a lot about why I genuinely love my job. I know that a big part of the reason is that I work with a bunch of people who I really like working with. And it doesn’t hurt that my morning commute takes about as long as it does to read this sentence. But I also think it’s pretty darn neat to help others express themselves, in just about the most public way possible.