How to make a website (that doesn't suck) 101: the bare essentials
On 13/11/2009
The focus of today's post is all about what to do before you even begin to make a website - we'll call that the thinking stuff. But it's also about what not to do (aka the doing stuff) when you make your own website: free or not, and no matter how many (or how few) people you think may see it.
But I'm preaching to the converted, right?
You already know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. When you go ahead and create a website, you'll never make the kind of errors showcased on one of my favorite sites ... or will you? Then again, can you imagine any webmaster - whose work will later feature prominently as an example of what not to do when building a website - thinking "hey, I know, I'll make a website that sucks!" when they start out?
So where did they go wrong, and how do you avoid making the same kind of mistakes?