Reduce website bounce rate to improve search engine ranking
On 27/05/2010
Getting busy is easier as the weather warms up (sorry southern hemisphere friends), and now is as good a time as any to start to make a website, or to spring-clean your existing one. Whether you're just starting out or already a seasoned webmaster, you'll always need to be thinking on several fronts as you create a website and develop your content. Obviously, your website design is an important part of ensuring people stick around long enough to get to the good stuff: your killer site content. But you also need to keep these two elements in sync with the way people actually use your website.
Getting a site looking great and filled with fascinating stuff is next to useless if people run away in frustration just after they arrive – your visitors need to be able to find content and navigate through your website as easily as possible. Keeping your site content, its aesthetics and ergonomics in balance is one of the keys to dealing with a bouncy website.
In the race to be Google's best friend, having less bounce to the ounce helps. Among the many criteria that are (allegedly) taken into consideration by Google (and presumably those other search engines as well …) is a website's bounce rate.