Easier, more detailed website visitor statistics tools
On 09/11/2010
One of the great things about making a free website is that you can publish what you need, simply and instantly, to a global audience. Publishing stuff online is a great way to rapidly diffuse content to the widest audience possible, and the kinds of website builder tools available these days mean just about anyone can do it. But what if you went to all that trouble to make a website, and had no way of knowing just how many people actually saw it?
You’ve always had access to a suite of integrated statistical tools in your doomby website manager. They’re great for keeping track of your visitors, but we thought we could make them even better. Doomby’s new stat tools are just a taste of what’s in store for the doomby website community next year, with our next version steaming ahead and on track for release in the first half of 2011.
Here’s an overview of the latest updates to your site tools.