The subscriptions : pick and choose !
emyspot is free, with no hidden fees. When you sign-up, you have access to the emyspot website builder, a personalized site address, or which is hosted on our platform. But when you want more, as you need, you can subscribe to the different offers. Each subscription is independent and yet completely compatible with all other offers. The subscriptions are not long-term engagements, you renew from year to year subscriptions.
- VersionPLUS allows you to rid your site of advertisements that display on your site. You also get 10 times more storage space, a full-featured member space, and other special features in your manager.
- Domain NamePro gives you the chance to personalize your web address (without the In addition, you can create up-to 10 email accounts.
- Store Pro gives you access to specialized tools and features of the Store add-on and create an e-commerce site with an unlimited product number.
- Booking Pro offers you all the features of the Booking add-on as well as proposing online payment for your rentals.
To consult the details of each offer go to the offers page or look from your manager and clicking on Subscriptions
Combining offers
You can choose to but just the VersionPLUS and/or the Domain Name Pro and/or the Store Pro and/or the Booking Pro. But at any moment you can subscribe to an offer, they all work together or apart, as you want.