Add content to your site

Your website is your spot to convey information (via pages, photo albums, a video gallery, etc) or to receive information (via a forum, a contact form, etc)

Regardless of the kind of content you put online, it will be done using an Add-on. This is the way that you add content to your site on the emyspot CMS.

Cms pages

Add a page : Example 1

The Pages add-on is the place to edit your pages. Thanks to the page builder tool you can easily display content of all sorts. From the Pages section of your manager - add your text, put in images, show videos, and highlight content with the helpful widgets.

Let's meet in the manager Pages > Manage pages then click on Add a page.

Page editor

Create the page with our intuitive blocks and columns page builder tool.


Be sure to click save to publish your page. Go see the changes on your page!

Create a contact form : Example 2

The Contact add-on helps make personalized contact forms. Give site visitors an easy way to get in touch with you. You can create different forms that have different uses. For example one form for those who want to contact me for commercial reasons, and another for those who are contacting about the site, or another for those interested in membership.

Contact form

Meet in Add-ons > Contact and click on Add a form.

Personalize 1

Personalize the form by adding the fields you desire.

Save and put in the recipients

Choose the destination email to receive forms and push save. 


No matter what type of content you decide to add, this must be done through an add-on. There are add-ons that permit you to add content to your site (pages, blog, contact, photo albums...), but also add-ons that let your site visitors add content to your site (the forum add-on even lets your site visitors discuss with other site users, the guestbook add-on lets visitors leave a message etc...)

Once you have created content, the menus are going to make the navigation and use of your site clear. This is the subject of our next guide : manage the menus