
Set-up the new reCAPTCHA!

It is possible on your site to combat spam. Until now, emyspot proposed reCAPTCHA, Akismet, and CaptchMe. Since January 2017, the new version of reCAPTCHA is available from the settings in your website manager when you have VersionPLUS.

Presented in the form of an easy checkbox, or sometimes images to be selected, this anti-spam aims to more efficient, prettier and faster to use. Easy to set-up on your emyspot website.


Set-up the new reCAPTCHA

Lets meet in the website manager, go to Settings > Global settings > Anti-spam. Once you are there tick the box titled reCAPTCHA, new version.

You will be asked for two keys to connect your website to the reCAPTCHA service (managed by google). To receive your reCAPTCHA keys go to this link From this link you will be asked for the following information.

  • Label: The title of your website. This is for you to find your website within the list if you have multiple sites.
  • Domains: Put in your website address. But be sure not to include the http:// or www.
  • Send alerts to owners: You can leave the box at the bottom checked to receive alerts by e-mail if an error is diagnosed, or an increase in suspicious traffic is reported.
  • Then Save changes

Add your information to recaptcha

What keys do I use and where?

Define the two integration keys

After clicking save, you will be directed to a new page that contains multiple keys and codes. To configure reCAPTCHA on your site, only the first two keys interest us: the site key and the security key.

The rest is taken care of directly by emyspot.  Copy the codes into the correct fields. You can now save the settings. I reccomend you test by publishing, for example, a comment on one of your pages, to verify that everything is working correctly and your codes are configured right.

Recaptcha from emyspot portal