From the manager of your website you have a storage space that you can upload files of 15Mo maximum (the accepted extensions are listed below). The storage space allows you to retrieve the web address for your files or to host files that can be inserted into your page (the subject of this tutorial). Now your site visitors will be able to consult your files and download your files to their computer.
List of accepted extensions : 3gp, avi, css, csv, doc, docx, eot, epub, flv, gif, gpx, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, js, mid, mov, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, ods, odt, otf, pdf, png, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptx, rar, rss, rtf, svg, swf, ttf, txt, wav, wmv, woff, xls, xlsx, xml, zip