Pin a forum comment

Pin a conversation in a thread

As your Forum threads begin to have more and more conversations and messages, you may find it necessary to pin a conversation, in doing so you guarantee that the conversation will stay at the top of the list. This makes is easier to organize your forum conversation or to highlight an important conversation.


How to pin a conversation

Go to the menu Add-on > Forum > Threads.

From there you will select the thread of which you which to pin the message and click on edit(1).

Scroll to the bottom of the threads page and you will see the list of the conversations(2)

Hover over the conversation that you would like to pin. 

An options bar will appear under the conversation. You have the chance to Edit post, Pin the message, Delete this message, Spam(3). 

You can choose to pin and unpin this message

Pin a forum message 1

Consult the other Forum tutorials


How to use the forum add-on

Here are the basics to using the forum add-on. Use this tutorial to guide you through enabling the forum comments, moderation and images.
Image forum

Insert an image into a forum message

To add an image to the forum add-on you will use bbcode. The image must already contain a file address, read more for help.

Creating members-only website content

Create and manage restricted site content with site member accounts. Choose which parts of your website content can be viewed by everyone or which parts are restricted.

Add a forum moderator

Ensure that your forum functions smoothly. Allow moderators to help control the quality of your forum.
Pin a forum message tuto

Pin a conversation in a thread

To pin a message to your thread from the manager follow the tutorial.