
Tweet Tweet... Integrate Twitter and increase user interaction

On 04/03/2016

In Widget Weekly

Some of us have never used Twitter and don't understand the point! Some argue it is the same thing as Facebook... but regardless Twitter is a great means of communicating and quite simply put, addicting. With the easy to integrate widgets you can add your Twitter account to your site and show off your presence on social networks.

The basics of Twitter

Each tweet can only be 140 characters. This imposed short length requires successful tweets to be informal, concise, and conversational.

The tweets on your account need to be something that pops. Twitter is often compared to a cocktail party - where you only have a limited amount of time capture people's attention and get a conversation started. And just like a cocktail party you can discuss with like minded people or not! The 140 character limit requires wit and tact to create a conversation and stops rambling!

Some example tweets:

Ex tweet

Why connect my Twitter to my website

This is a great way to add up-to-date content to your site and create a more interactive personality with your users. You site users will get another view of your activity and some peeks into your personality. Your website is the detailed description of your activity and Twitter is a way to enrich your content in a creative way. Twitter creates a network in which you can connect conversations to your website. To create links and social networking are extremely important to your sites SEO in 2016.

What widgets do we have on emyspot for your twitter account?

We have two widgets perfect for integrating Twitter. They are found by clicking on the Other widgets > Social networks:

Twitter: link to profile

Twitter latest tweets

Simply adding the traditional Twitter widget to your site's sidebar is a great start. It is a great way to get people to follow you on Twitter, linking directly to your Twitter account. You can see an example in the side menu of this article, where we have used the little blue tweet icon. By clicking on this you are redirected to emyspot's Twitter feed!

Twitter: Latest tweets

Tweet 1

If you want to display your Tweets as they happen, with a sleek live feed display. You can easily integrate your latest tweets on your website. Get readers involved and interacting by making your tweets clear and add the widget Twitter: latest Tweets. Check out the latest tweets widget below! We have connected to emyspot tweet feed to the page.


Twitter widgets can be used anywhere on your site, in the menus and the pages.

If you have a twitter account, let us know! We would love to follow and share.

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