Instagram picture

The new instagram widget! Get snapping.

On 28/09/2016

In Widget Weekly

To promote your Facebook page or your Twitter account on your website have become common practice. Social media is a great way to create a community, but also to develop a web presence for your website. Well, we are pleased as punch to announce that you can now include Instagram on your website - Show off a photo or a video with this new Instagram widget !

How to use the widget Instagram?

The function is so similar to the other widgets : you can integrate this widget anywhere into your site, be it a block, a side menu, or column. Click on other widgetsand go to the Social networks category to find the Instagram widget. The next step of the process is to identify the content that you want to display on your page with the easy-to-use widget.

To easily recuperate your page identity which is in the URL of the content you want to display. We are going to use the National Geographic to illustrate this widget. Because no matter what your website activities, a Bed and Breakfast or a travel blog, the NatGeo photos are inspiring!

You select the photo or video of your choice. By clicking on the content you will see a URL in the address bar. For example, You will take the identity of the photo which is the part in bold above - BJ21m-mjoPl.

The widget in action

You must login to your Instagram account from your manager to access your feed
You must login to your Instagram account from your manager to access your feed
You must login to your Instagram account from your manager to access your feed

URL used :

Use the part in bold :


URL used :

Use the part in bold :​


URL used :

Use the part in bold :​


Try it out on your page!

image communicate to users widget