Contact 1

Easy-to-use contact details widget

On 29/06/2016

In Widget Weekly

Let people know how to contact your business or organisation! Sometimes site visitors want to know only where to find you or how to contact you. With this in mind, emyspot proposes a gadget just for you - the contact details gadget. This gadget displays all the contact details for your company or organisation in a clear and elegant way.

This contact gadget is an elegant way to display the details site visitors need to know. This includes the all the necessary information - name or organization, the address, and phone number. You also have the option to add extra info and even a link to your own personalized contact form. If you haven't had the chance to watch our video on making a showcase site, I strongly encourage you to watch it. We are going to use the same flower shop example to show the Contact Details Gadget.

Your homepage should inform, encourage, and spark further visits. Displaying your contact details is a great way to inform your visitors and spark further visits.

Using the same example as our video here is what the contact details widget looks like for the flower shop.

View from the website

The flower shop 1

View from the manager

Contact 2

This gadget can be inserted into your side menus and pages. Make it easy for your site visitors to find the information they need - use the contact details gadget.

target audience widget communicate to users