Pretty pictures 3

13 amazing sites with breathtaking free photos

On 20/05/2016

In Website design

A wise man once said «After all, a successful website builder is someone who manages to balance the necessary constraints of SEO with writing stuff people like to read. Or who knows where to find lots of pretty pictures.»... so here we are, as we have talked often about bettering your SEO and writing well, here are some places to look for amazing pictures.

Images are so much more than a space filler. They are important. Images make your site pretty, draw attention, and generate clicks...Images are and always have been a powerful tool. Poor picture choices have bad consequences, they devalue your written content and scare off your site visitors. Bad quality pictures are definitely a big no-no, and another major no-no is size. Close attention should be given to the size and quality of the pictures you use on your site. Whether you post a picture on your blog, your website, your twitter account, your facebook account...If the picture is not the right size, it will affect the overall quality. But where do you find these pictures? You have three options.

  1. You take your own pictures. You are a decent photographer (it's your job or a hobby)

  2. You paid for pictures online (Shutterstock, Getty image...), or you pay for a photographer.

  3. You pick into free stock photos ;)

If you can't afford a photographer or paid images, here is our top free stock photo sites you can go to whenever you need a great high quality image!

A lot of people use these free stock photos so you might see the same image on someone else's website, but don't worry, the internet is big.

We also recommend you take the time to customize or personalize a picture. If you know how to use photoshop, it's perfect. But if you don’t use photoshop, don’t worry, there are free alternatives to photoshop such as Gimp or Pixlr. Relax, if you don't know how to use these editing softwares, you can use the Photoshop Online Tools to edit photos or Canva to create nice designs. Canva is free and really easy to use. You don't have a to be a great designer to do something pretty and it's actually a lot of fun. Canva is definitely one of my favorites!


When you pick a picture, take your time and think it through. Some say that people will be more likely to read and remember your content if it contains colored images. It's probably true since searchers say so (and I am personally instinctively attracted to colorful images) but the relevancy of the picture is significant as well. A content with a relevant image get 94% more views than one without a relevant image! Illustrate your point but also target your audience.

It's up to you know to choose the right pictures! Remember that cheesy saying: «a picture is worth a thousand words»? It has never been so true!

site perception credibility photos design image personalize