Gdpr tranparency

What is GDPR and how it will affect your website?

On 02/11/2018

In News

General Data Protection Regulation is a set of rules that applies to organisations in all EU member-states and has implications for businesses and individuals across Europe, and beyond.

Within the framework of the new general data protection regulations (GDPR), the emyspot team has made some important changes regarding the personal data of the entire emyspot community.

What is GDPR and what does it stand for?

GDPR was implemented on May 25. Replacing the 1978 Computer Law, this European regulation is intended to regulate the protection of Internet users' personal data by adding several laws to those already established. It aims to assure EU citizens control of their personal information.

It is true that the arrival of new technologies has revolutionized the realm of the possible. But it is also synonymous with measures to be taken in order not to exceed the limits of the legal.
This is what the GDPR regulates, in particular by adding some rights for Internet users.
Among them:

  • The portability right: which allows individuals to retrieve all information about them;
  • The processing limitation right: allows individuals to withhold certain uses of their data;
  • The right to oblivion or be forgotten: individuals can obtain the deletion of personal data and that they are no longer processed.

These rules apply to any website that collects the personal data of Internet users in Europe. Any site concerned must inform its visitors of the rights they have and the procedure for applying them.

Update of data processing on emyspot

We have been working on the proper implementation of the new rules for several months and are committed to doing what is necessary for our users. Which is why, under the terms of GDPR, an update of data processing on emyspot has been conducted.

Emyspot have always given you complete transparency on our general terms of use (TCU), making them easily accessible on our portal. Now, it is also possible to access them easily from our newsletters (link provided in the footer).

Newsletter subscription confirmation on a yearly basis

In order to be in compliance with the GDPR, we will ask you to confirm your registration to our mailing list each year from 2018. Unless you have given your consent, you will no longer receive content from us.

Newsletter unsubscription

The terms and conditions for unsubscribing to the emyspot newsletter have evolved for easier access to the unsubscription options. If you do not wish to receive our news in the future, you can unsubscribe:

  • by clicking on the unsubscritpion link (that you will find in each e-mail or Newsletter);
  • via the Newsletter section of your manager's Account > Account settings menu;
  • by sending us an email to

Note: The annual subscription validation is also required for your newsletter subscribers.

Enhanced password security

To strengthen the security of our users' and their customers' accounts, we sent notifications by e-mail to ask everyone to to modify and strengthen their passwords.

Here are the new rules for creating a secure password:

  • create a password with 8 to 48 characters long and with at least 3 of the fllowing 4 elements:
    • A lowercase letter
    • A capital letter
    • A number
    • A special character : (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~)

Note: Enhancing password security is also required for your website members and clients.

GDPR data protection

How does it affect me and/or my website?

It is necessary to reassure the customer, while he is shopping or booking online, about his payment data security. It is therefore essential to get an SSL certificate if you don't have one yet to protect the data exchanges:

  • your website will get the https label (with the padlock) and it will be impossible to hack into your data exchanges;
  • the site will gain credibility (from users, browsers, search engines, etc) and improve your SEO.

Also on e-commerce: the GDPR requires a mediation service available on each online sales site. This must be indicated in the Terms of sale and/or Terms of use, where the usage information will also be present.

User data protection is essential

On the Internet, everything is regulated to ensure security. As is the case elsewhere, it is necessary to show that you are in good standing, starting by posting legal notices on your site.
These, intended to be transparent with the GDPR, vary according to the type of site but must be displayed.

  • To display the legal notice on your website, go to the Settings > Global settings > Legal notices menu (within your manager on emyspot).
  • The legal notice will allow you to show that your site is reliable and will help to foster a climate of trust among visitors to your site.

Cookies and privacy

Not all cookies have the same purpose on the web. Some of them make it easier for you to navigate, such as saving a nickname or the contents of a shopping cart. Others allow you to know your consumption habits in order to better target the ads that are displayed to you when you surf the web. But under no circumstances do they have access to the content of your computer.
However, and especially since the application of the GDPR, the use of cookies must be automatically reported when a site using them is opened. In other words, as a webmaster, you must ask your visitors for permission to use the information you have collected about them.
In order to request users permission, we invite you to go to the Settings > Global settings > Legal notices menu, tick the Display site privacy policy checkbox on the Privacy policy section and save. The corresponding banner will then be displayed, to which you can link an information page.

We will be addressing the GDPR subject (again) on our blog very soon, informing you of the changes that have been made to comply with the new regulations.

We are at your entire service to answer any questions you may have about this new regulation, use our Contact form or the Online support form on your manager to contact us.

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