
Responsive design - More than a better bathroom experience

On 23/02/2017

In New and updated features

Regardless of your website’s purpose, whether a blog, an e-commerce store, an online CV, you need to have a mobile-friendly and responsive design. As more and more people are using their phones to access websites, whether on the toilet or walking around town, make sure your website can be accessed with a responsive design.

A responsive design ensures that your website layout changes as the screen size changes, without losing any content. On a widescreen your content displays multiple blocks and columns of content, while a small screen displays the same content in a single column with text and links that are appropriately sized to be read and used on a smaller display.

A responsive design ensures that your website can be seen on any device that has internet - all from the same URL. Site visitors can access your website from the same URL no matter what device they connect from, making your website URL more memorable and less confusing.

Easier to manage, gone are the days of two URLS - one website URL one mobile site URL. Your website works on all screen sizes, with one website manager to rule them all. This master URL helps create a clear brand, eases user experience, and improves your search engine optimization.

Mobile friendly websites are so important that we added a series mobile-first themes. These themes are all aptly titled Smart, as they are honed to function with all smart phones. The Smart themes were created by our in-house web designer, which include 15 pre-conceived design templates that can be personalized with an easy to use design formula.

So ensure your website is excellent from any device - use a responsive theme. Free now, free forever.

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