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Coming your way : SSL Security Certificate

On 04/12/2015

In New and updated features

The emyspot team is working on the new offer SSL, in the aim of offering the label https and the protection and extra security that comes with this label. Read more for a first look at this offer coming soon to emyspot !


As I am sure you have noticed some sites have the address https instead of http. You see this most when you log-in to your bank, purchase an item online, or when you subscribe to an offer on emyspot these sites are in https. As they should be.

Having a connection https allows an exchange of information that is certified secure. This https tag that appears in the address bar, represents your normal site address associated with an SSL protocol. SSL protocol sounds pretty serious, and it is. This protocol guarantees confidentiality on the integrity and verification of information.

In other terms: information cannot be pirated or hacked- not called back or modified. This ensures your internet user that your site is secure, adding credibility to your site's identity.

How does HTTPS show on the site ?

A site that uses the https protocol is easily identified thanks to two key visual indicators in the navigation bar, which is instantly reassuring.

1. http transforms into https and is green

2. a padlock that appears.

It is so simple to see when a site uses https. Depending on the navigator, whether Chrome, Firefox, or Explorer the display will slightly different. These visual cues help site visitors know that you have an SSL certificate and that it is installed, thus securing any transfer of information. And eliminating any confusion

Where do I get this SSL certificate for my website ?

The SSL certificate is delivered by a certified web authority that you pay for and can quickly become hundreds of dollars. Once attained, you then need to install the SSL onto the web server that hosts your site. This is a time-consuming hair-pulling process, which was attempted only by our most advanced webmasters on emyspot . But that was before, we have you covered and now you can save money and time.

Let's find out more about the offer SSL

emyspot is the first ever website builder(CMS) to offer full service at a competitive price !! The offer SSL gives you an SSL certificate that installs on your site automatically, you do not have to do any of the heavy lifting. This certificate will tell the server to protect all information.

Our team does everything, you just need to give us some verification information of your domain and then watch the magic happen, as your site quickly transforms from http to https.


credibility site perception domain name offer navigation security