You can edit your homepage at any moment from the manager Pages > Edit homepage. We recommend:
A clear site title : As the entryway, your homepage should show your site's purpose clearly the users should not be asking what the point of the site is. For example: the site Sleep and Chocolate, has the helpful title "A blog about happiness."
Homepage content : You can clearly state your message with a minimum of text, no need to write an entire essay, but maybe just a thesis statement. Tell users about the site nature or activity. Don't be afraid to rewrite! Kurt Vonnegut gives a great rule "Your rule might be this: If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out,” well push the backspace key.
Highlight your text : I don't mean literally using the highlighter, but formatting your page so that your information stands out. Readers like clear titles, headers, and bold text.
Structure your page : It will make your life easier if you make a block for each element, be it an image, text, or a widget of your choice. In doing so, the alignment is automatically done for you and will be the same each line! To know more about blocks and columns, read here.
Perfect your homepage SEO : Add a Meta title or Meta description and help search engines display your website, in the way you want.
Put your best forward, and make your homepage successful. As always feel free to comment below. In the next videos we will be helping you with SEO so that you can get your site seen on the web.