1. Put the Focus On… the buyer
As you probably know, the customer is key. You’ll have more luck with your page if you focus less on the product and more on how it helps your prospective buyer. Of course, you should display all the details about your services or products – but the customer wants to know what it does for them.
For example : It's not enough to say “We make home furniture.” Instead say something like, “We make furniture that can turn a house into a home.”
2. The Process should be clearly explained
It’s 100% essential that you explain your process – most prospective customers want to know what went into making the product and how it is useful to them. This is easily done in stores, as stores put out products in a display or to test – in doing so the buyer does most of the work, imagining the use, seeing, feeling, touching the product. But how can you apply these principle to an online store? You can’t exactly let prospects try it out for a month.
However, explaining how your product in conceived, how you process, you eliminate the anxiety present in the buyers decision process. Show your buyers your process, and your prospects will start to convince themselves.
3. Offer a Guarantee
Know what you would you do if the client is dissatisfied. Do you offer a refund? Is there customer support?
Most professionals do. When we purchase something we are offered warranties and guarantees, so why would this be something your online store does not propose.
Promise satisfaction, assure the buyer. I am not telling you to promise the moon, but if you are honestly sure of your product, back it up. Within reason of course.
Not only does this create buyer confidence but a guarantee could put you a step ahead of competitors. This could be the deciding factor for a buyer.