
Open Street Maps

Use Open Street Map to display maps on your website

On 12/04/2019

Maps are very useful on the Internet. They allow us to identify sale points, how to get somewhere and how made take a road trip and so much more. There are many solutions available, with not doubt, Open Street Map is the most complete and customizable available solution. It's a good alternative since Google Maps became payable in July 2018.


In News
Charged google maps api

Google Maps API: Payment charges for third-party applications

On 22/07/2018

Following the launch of Google Maps Platform and changes to its products, Google has announced its developments for Maps service for professionals, as well as an application of pricing based on Javascript API "calls" effective since 16th of July 2018.

Since 11th June, Google has been implementing this plan by making Google Maps API only accessible to application developers and publishers that have activated credit card billing and have an API key.

If you use this service on your website, to display a map or a route, then you are affected by this change.

In News
Paypal en

HTTPS required to use PayPal

On 02/07/2018

If you use the PayPal feature to sell online through your website, some developments are to be expected due to a major change at PayPal.
In fact, PayPal will require its users to have an SSL certificate to continue using its online payment services. And this change is effective since 30th June 2018.

Visitor counter

Widget Wednesday: The Visitor Counter

On 28/06/2017

The visitor tracking widget is a useful way to display visitor statistics on the front end of your site, but you may have noticed a sharp decline in its use since the 90's. Why is the visitor tracker on the endangered widgets list? And why are we, at emyspot, keeping it around?

Evo widget instagram

Updates to the Instagram widget

On 14/12/2016

We added the Instagram widget to our list of interactive widgets in September. We have now updated the the features to allows Instastars and Insta-adept to integrate Instagram account. Discover the new upgraded features to display your Insta videos and photos on your website.

Instagram picture

The new instagram widget! Get snapping.

On 28/09/2016

To promote your Facebook page or your Twitter account on your website have become common practice. Social media is a great way to create a community, but also to develop a web presence for your website. Well, we are pleased as punch to announce that you can now include Instagram on your website - Show off a photo or a video with this new Instagram widget !

In News
Google maps api

Attention Google map users get your API Key now!

On 18/07/2016

After Google Maps has changed their Terms of Sale, you will now need to indicate an API key in order to display Google maps on your site. Let's see how easy it is to integrate your API key and help your site visitors find out where you are with all the advantages of Google maps !

Downloadable widget

Download here! Use the download widget

On 13/07/2016

Propose files for download - it's easy. You can upload files such as spreadsheets, Word documents, or PDFs (Portable Document Files) — with the simple widget and your site's visitors can click a button to download that document for offline use. We have also have a new tutorial that explains offering downloadable files to site visitor's in detail.

Contact 1

Easy-to-use contact details widget

On 29/06/2016

Let people know how to contact your business or organisation! Sometimes site visitors want to know only where to find you or how to contact you. With this in mind, emyspot proposes a gadget just for you - the contact details gadget. This gadget displays all the contact details for your company or organisation in a clear and elegant way.

In News

11 good reasons to use emyspot rather than another CMS

On 25/04/2016

If you have ever googled "how to make website for free" you might have to make a difficult choice. You even might have ended up searching "CSS" on wikipedia. Fortunately we make it easy for you. No need to be an expert or to spend a lot of money to make a successful site with emyspot! Here are 11 good reasons to prove it to you!