
Wind of 1

Colors of the wind

On 04/05/2016

Whether you want to create a new website or entirely refresh your existing website, choosing your color scheme is a fundamental - and we admit a very hard thing to do. You probably already noticed that the visual element of your design is quite important! So if you make poor color choices, chances are, people won't stay long on your site. If you lack inspiration, or just want another point of view, this post will be useful to help you make your color palette!

Image slider gadget

Slide on over : the image slider gadget

On 25/11/2015

With so many widgets, we are going to break down each and explain how it works to the minute detail. The widgets are naturally intuitive, regardless it is nice to have a detailed explanation and see how the widget works and all of its features. On Widget Weekly we are talking about the image slider.