
Add icons to your website

Add icons easily to your website

On 02/04/2019

You might have noticed, in the emyspot's Visual Editor there has been news for some weeks. Now you can easily add icons to your text using the library proposed by FontAwesome. You will be able to boost your content and simplify the lecture of your website users.

Navigation menu

8 tips to create a user-friendly navigation menu

On 11/07/2016

The menu is fundamental for your website and necessary for an optimal user experience. It's one of the first thing the visitor will see and it determines the way visitors navigate your site. There is one thing you need to focus on when you create your menu: usability (and also aesthetics but that should be considered after usability)!


Homepage 101 : Make your homepage successful

On 28/12/2015

Making a website can be challenging but as my grandpa always says, The best starting point is the beginning. After hearing this nugget of wisdom I was convinced dear old grandpa was past his prime. But alas, he is correct (as most  grandpas are).

So where is the beginning when making a website? The homepage is the first glance of your site and what it has to offer.

The homepage sets the tone for the rest of your site.

Search widget

3 specialized search engines

On 02/12/2015

Ask and you shall receive

As requested on Welcome to Widget Weekly, I am going to talk about the polished search engine widgets at emyspot. One of my favorite functions is the search bar, it suits my no-nonsense want-it-now persona (unless of course it is for "really important things" like the puppy bowl or boobing around on facebook). When there is no search bar, there is always Ctrl+F for instant gratification. So give us lazy readers what we want and put in a search bar !