

Ask the right questions. Get the right answers! Use the poll widget

On 20/04/2016

At emyspot making a poll is simple and fun when you make a website - and you don't need to have any special skills, just the questions and hopefully the anwers.


Tweet Tweet... Integrate Twitter and increase user interaction

On 04/03/2016

Some of us have never used Twitter and don't understand the point! Some argue it is the same thing as Facebook... but regardless Twitter is a great means of communicating and quite simply put, addicting. With the easy to integrate widgets you can add your Twitter account to your site and show off your presence on social networks.

Disqus blog

Disqus : A new system to manage your comments

On 13/01/2016

The emyspot team has just published a new system to manage comments on your website. Check out Disqus, a third party service that allows for a modern feel comment program. This is extremely useful on your blog, but can be applied to all the add-ons and pages if you choose. Discover the benefits and features of Disqus on emyspot.